Abstracts of TSM 2009 Exhibitor's Talks

NetApp Backup and Recovery in TSM Environments

Anton Rinser und Dieter Unterseher, NetApp


PLCS software products

Peter Pijpelink, PLCS


Radial Dashboard for TSM

Lindsay Morris, TSMworks http://www.tsmworks.com
   Youtube Concept videos
Three-minute videos explaining how ART helps restorability, and reduces storage
Guaranteed Recoveries  <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCXGmnqv6_8>
Junk Happens  < http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQqZceaQE34>
    Customer Case Study
Waterbury Hospital  PDF <http://www.tsmworks.com/downloads/waterbury-case-study.pdf>
    White Papers
Testing DR Readiness  PDF <http://www.tsmworks.com/downloads/art-whitepaper.pdf>
Why Recoveries Fail  PDF <http://www.tsmworks.com/downloads/art-whitepaper2.pdf

Re-architecting Data Protection with Data Domain in an IBM TSM Environment

László Poór, EMC

Data Domain high-speed, inline deduplication technology has proven to be the key enabler that has helped TSM customers reduce or eliminate the use of tape for backup and recovery,experience longer onsite retention times for backup, archive and reference data and leverage network-efficient replication capabilities for disaster recovery. Data Domain, an EMC company, with over 9500 systems installations worldwide offers a comprehensive range of products to meet the backup and archive storage needs of enterprises of all sizes.

Simulating Data Deduplication (Lars Henningsen, General Storage)

Lars Henningsen, General Storage


TBMR - bare machine recovery for TSM

Ian Cameron, Christie


©  TSM Symposium 2009
Technische(r) Ansprechpartner(in):
Claus Kalle
Peter Groth
Thomas Eifert
geändert:  1. April 2011
erstellt: 24. September 2009